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Favourites from Fall 2014 Haute Couture Collections [Part 2]

I’ve been on an 18th Century fashion kick recently due to the fact that I’m planning a dress for a costume party next year. What a lovely surprise it was to see the current runways be filled with 18th Century inspired clothing. Christian Dior pulled it off quite nicely by mixing the old style with modern twists. Loving the fluffed up dresses from Giambattista Valli and the lace and velvet elements from Alexis Mabille. 

Christian Dior
Giambattista Valli
Alexis Mabille

Image credits: style.com
- Click on the names of each designer to be redirected to the full collection.

Christian Dior

Photos by: Kim Weston Arnold - indigitalimages.com

Giambattista Valli

Photos by: Yannis Vlamos - indigitalimages.com

Alexis Mabille

Photos by: Kim Weston Arnold - indigitalimages.com

Clouds of Mochi
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