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Archie Comics Capsule Collection • Charlotte Olympia

Charlotte Dellal, designer of the shoe line Charlotte Olympia, has teamed up with Archie Comics to create a capsule collection of shoes and accessories mostly featuring Archie comic strips emblazoned all over. I am a huge Archie Comics fan and a small collector of the digests if I do say so myself. The characters have been a part of my life for over 15 years so seeing them pop up in today's grind makes my heart skip a beat. Remember the limited edition Archie's Girls MAC Collection? Oh yes!

As all high fashion brands, these will set you back hundreds. But if you are a big Archie fan, I'm sure one of the items wouldn't hurt...as I say that to myself every 5 minutes while staring at the pictures. I am personally eyeing the red peep toes, red sandal wedge, ballet flats and the comic strip clutch. Need. Want.

The collection has been launched since November 1 and is available online and exclusively at Charlotte Olympia stores in Mayfair, Manhattan and Beverly Hills. I have seen some of the items available online on colette.fr and Nordstrom but not on the official website quite yet so keep on checking back.

Image credits: Charlotte Olympia

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Clouds of Mochi
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